Amidst all the rumors and anticipation, On September 7, 2016 the iPhone 7 by Apple Corporation will be unveiled. A Cupertino based company founded by Steve Jobs, who revolutionize the mobile phone since 2007. And today Wednesday is a big day in the tech world as Apple is holding its annual launch event where the new iPhone 7 is expected to be revealed in which the much-heralded device comes just as rival Samsung has recalled its flagship Note 7 over battery issues and exploding unit. At its annual product launch in San Francisco on Wednesday, the world's most valuable publicly traded company is expected by blogs and analysts to reveal an iPhone without a headphone jack, paving the way for wireless headphones, a touch-sensitive home button that vibrates, double-lens cameras for the larger 'Plus' edition and other incremental improvements. Analysts predict the Apple Watch will be the second closely watched feature of the event. Apple is expected to revamp the wearable, released last year, with a faster processor and a GPS chip, enabling users to track runs and other workouts without their phones. Most analysts believe sales of Apple's watch - which the company has not disclosed - have not yet justified the fanfare.
Dropping the headphone jack in the iPhone 7 would encourage consumers to use Bluetooth headphones or buy those compatible with Apple's Lightning port, which is also used for charging. Many commentators expect Apple to have ditched the headphone jack, leaving only one port and the previous model - the iPhone 6S - was the world's bestselling handset, according to new research. The study, by Strategy Analytics, said 14.2 million copies of the phone shipped between April to June, accounting for 4% of the market. By contrast, the Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge shipped 8.3 million units over the same period. However, both fell short of the earlier iPhone 6, which shipped 26.3 million units over the same months in 2015. According to Linda Sui "Smartphone growth is sluggish at the moment due to ongoing economic volatility worldwide, high ownership penetration in most major countries, and a lack of new innovation from device manufacturers," Dropping the headphone jack in the iPhone 7 would encourage consumers to use Bluetooth headphones or buy those compatible with Apple's Lightning port, which is also used for charging. However, old gear would not be completely obsolete, as Apple is expected to include an adapter jack.Rumour has it there will be more colours available, for instance reintroducing black as an option. While the new models will be revealed to the world at the launch, consumers will have to wait a few weeks before they are shipped. Pre-orders are expected to open on Friday. The timing still is crucial. Samsung beat Apple by releasing its Galaxy Note 7 last month. The device was well received by users and critics alike and started selling well. And after recent bad publicity ranging from issues around security flaws to tax problems, the world's most valuable listed company hopes the iPhone will be a hit. The company will kick off its San Francisco event later, September 7th at 1PM ET — we'll be there to bring you live coverage.
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